Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2 The my second input into my blog. The day started at 6 am....wake up call UGH....still tired. Mom caught the shuttle with me to the airport and said a quick goodbye. Glad I'll see here again in 12 days in Florida. Im no good at Goodbyes! Quick is better...don't have time to cry that way haha. I'm writing from on the plane to Montreal which is where I connect and then fly onto Ottawa Ontario...half the people seem to speak French....Beautiful language maybe I should learn more of it. The guy next to me tried to start a convo....too bad I couldn't understand what he was saying hehe.
The in flight cameras aren't working so good thing I now have this new laptop to waste time on. I have a whole 4 hours and 15 minutes to waste! Glad I'm a good flyer unlike my siblings who HATE flying. By tonight at 7 pm Ontario time I will be at Millar Brooke Farm, thats exciting....helps to sway the feeling of sadness I still have from leaving the Island. That place is just comforting when you've lived there your whole life. I have always had a sence of adventure and haven't even begun to explore it to it's fullest. I think this is my first step in that journey. Onward and Upward they say....hehe the phrase seemed suitable since I'm currently something like 80,000 feet in the sky. Don't look down! TTFN (for those who don't know computer talk that's ta ta for now...

A few hours later.....currently writing from inside the Montreal airport. Brrr its a blizzard out there. Hope I'll be flying out on time! I paid for this free internet...chatted with a few friends. Miss you all already! One more flight and I'm there....almost....

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