Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 5...

Day 5.…today was an insanely fast day. For the first time I was on my own with no other grooms. Diana who has been here the past two days only works the weekends but she’s away this weekend so she worked during the week. Its quiet around here with all 6 other grooms in Florida so I was left in charge of it all. Just Mandy, Christian and I today.
I was the first one in the barn this morning…finally on time cause they told me we start at 7 and not 7:30 like Willy first told me haha. Went through t regular routine, fed, cleaned, watered, turned horses out. It was beautiful and sunny but MAN was it cold today!!! Thought I was going to lose my ears……so glad the barn is heated.
After I brought horses in, Mandy asked me if I wanted to ride. We had a great chat during the morning cleaning stalls and I told her what exactly it is I’m looking for with a job like this. So I was pretty excited to say the least. I got to ride Hereo…but around here they call him pony because he’s ONLY 16 hh…everything else is well over 17 hh so to them he’s teeny. Apparently he used to be a very well known jumper and was winning a fair bit. But then he was sold to an Amateur and the bills got high I guess so he was passed along. He hasn’t done much in the past 2 years was mainly just a pet. He’s actually the horse I was told to clip the other day. So without asking questions about how crazy this horse might be because who knows when the last time he was ridden up I got up there and of f I went. I figured it was a test to see what exactly I could stay on haha. Turns out he was really good….had one big buck when I first cantered to the right but after that we got along great. He was nervous in the far side of the arena but he got over it as soon as I gave him the what for and pushed him forward. I quite enjoyed riding the “pony” haha.
After my ride I was told Mark was coming…..Mark boards two of his horses here and he must pay the premium as he calls when he’s coming so that we can have the horses groomed, tacked up and ready by he time he gets here. Nice guy though and he’s only about 20 years old or so. I was in a mad rush to get Hereo put away, feed horses lunch, sweep the alleyway and then get Angie and Sunday ready for Mark. I was JUST finishing as he walked in. Whewf! Mandy and Christen left to go somewhere and just told me what to do so I was in a panic trying to figure out what gear goes on who, boots, no boots, martingale or breastplate. It all worked out though!
Then I finally got to sneak away for some lunch at about 1:30. I was starving after running all morning. The afternoon went well. Put horses away, helped Christian clip the last two, picked through stalls, filled wateres, swept again….I tell you there has GOT to be better method to all this sweeping…..maybe its just because I could care less if there’s two pieces of sawdust on the ground….heaven for bid the barn floor be dirty!!! It sure does look pretty though. Mandy talked to Amy Millar today and told her about my plans to go to Florida and how I’m doing here. She scheduled a time for me to go meet with Ian, Amy and Jonathan to see exactly what I’d be doing as a “show groom” once I get there. Florida is going to be so great!!
Ahhh I’m resting back at home now before I go back and do night check. We rotate on and off so it’s my turn to feed and check waters and doors at 8:30. I’m still smiling about my ride :)


  1. It sounds like it's starting to come together....and routine does make it easier. I found your pony comment funny, when I came back to riding 15 yrs. ago, the horse I started with was 14.1 or 14.2, and when I graduated to the next level of 15.3, I was scared silly of the height....Now, I've come to realize that it's all really relevent and the distance isn't so's just getting up there....and I'm sure for me, it's just the age thing....

    The horses look great, and the sunrise ever so beautiful....The area you captured looks flat, flat, flat....Where are the rolling hills like we have?.....I also want to thankyou for not sharing anymore white stuff with us....we're starting to warm up and find the grass and the muddy paddocks.....we all so longed for....Ha Ha...

    Can't wait to hear about tomorrows adventure...sleep tight......

  2. Thanx Jacque....sleeping is not a problem when I'm tuckered out haha. It is coming together and I feel better knowing a bit more of the routine I can get things done without having to ask how, where, or why.
    I LOVE the big horses...mounting blocks are a must thought!
    Glad your enjoying following my story :) Wait til it hits Florida....mmm warm weather.
