Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 13

Day last trial work day at Millar Brooke Farm. It was a really fast paced phsically hard work day today. One of the other managers is flying in from Florida this week so we wanted to make sure everything was spic and span. We scrubbed every feed, water, grain bucket in this place, cleaned and re bedded every stall (4 bags of sawdust each) We cleaned paddocks outside, went to get 2 truck loads of shavings from the other barn. Whew thats alot of work but you use this fun spinny trolley thingy and send them flying down the barn lol. Threw more hay down from the loft, groomed all the horses, dismantled and put away the roundpen, cleaned tack and tidied everything in sight. Mark came to ride Sunday and Angie today....said they were good.
I cleaned my apartment since I'll be leaving first thing in the am. I put a load of laundry on before I pack my suitcase. Now I'm online tieing up all the loose ends of my farm back at home and talking to the people I need to talk to incase I'm not able to get online in the next day or two during my travells to Florida.
I said my goodbyes to Christian and Mandy....Mandy who keeps saying she'll see me next Monday when I get back and theyll even take me out for a nice dinner since it'll be my Birthday hahahaha. She really hopes I'll be back but Christian said I'm stupid if I don't take the job for Beth. However until I get there I dont when when the job for her starts because she said I might be hired right away and expected to stay in Florida or they might not need me until March when they come home again. So if thats the case I'll come work at Millar Brooke until March and then go back and work for Beth haha. Mandy liked that plan too.
So this next week is going to be a rollercoaster of decisions thats for least I'll be in the sunshine, enjoying the company of my mom and road tripping around Florida looking at mostly horses and horse shows :) Sounds fun to me!


  1. Holy, Moly, Miss Molly.....Way to many things to think about.....

    Did Christian say why he felt you should take the job with Beth? Were her skills different or that much better than the Millar Farm?

    Way to much to think about, it's like a scale of measurement........

    I think both are great, so, you'll just have to go with what you feel when you meet these people face to face....then you'll know whom you will learn the most from.....

    So how many days before you render the big decision.....good thing I'm not holding my breath, I'd fall over exhausted with this one...

    Mandy sounds like a lot of fun, your going to miss her and Christian....if you go to the other farm......

    Now don't forget to send the bottle of sunshine.....I could use the lift.....

    Enjoy Florida.....

  2. Ok, I'm only kind of jealous....
