Saturday, February 21, 2009

Might as well write

I'm currently sitting in the Philidelphia airport. I've seen alot of different airports in the last while. This one is far bigger then the one in Chicago..which by the way I thought that one was huge. I landed in terminal F, had to find a shuttle over to teminal C 22 which is where I am now.
With nothing else to do I thought I'd write in my blog since last nights entry was kind of skimpy. I managed to get all packed, get my travel insureance all lined up and and almost in Florida. Just talked to Lori who is hte barn manager in Florida and she told me who will be picking me up ect. Also that I will be coming directly to the show grounds as there is a Grand Prix about being thrown right in haha. Trying not to forget to breathe today....feels like I just blinked and its gone by.
I can do this....I know I can.
While I was on my last flight I was thinking about big this world is. I mean even those who have travelled extensivly still have not seen the WHOLE world. There are so many people in so many places. Makes you wonder who you meet along your path and why you are meant to meet them. I like looking around this room and wondering where everyone is off to. Everyone has a destination and a story to follow I'm sure....look at mine haha.
I can't help but wonder how many doors this opens up everytime I set foot on a plane. I'm a single person and I always think it's neat to see who gets seated beside you. So far they have all been very nice and fun to talk to....except the french guy who didn't speak english and the only thing we thought was funny was how huge my laptop was compared to his teeny one. But he shared some cookies with always beings people together lol.
I'm excited to get to Florida and see the farm again. It's insanely is a link to it
I'll be living in a house with 5 other girls....that should be interesting but I'm happy to not be alone anymore. Don't think I'll have time to even consider being homesick from here on out. I was warned about how hard they party in Florida. Good thing I'm not big into that. I mean don't get me wrong I do love to act 23 on occasion and go out and get my dance on however....anyone who knows me knows that I get very sick the whole next day if I drink so that would NOT go over well. Thats one of the number 1 reasons girls get fired. They party too hard and can't work. What a stupid way to ruin an amazing opportunity is the way I look at it. I think I have a pretty good head on my shoulders and I know I won't be one of those! I can picture my parents reading this and going "good girl" haha. Yes I am :)
My finger is almost back to normal....that Tremueel cream or whatever its called works wonders. Amazing stuff. Anyway this is getting long and then becomes hard to read since I have the font so small so I'll leave you with that. TTFN....


  1. People watching, sounds like fun....I've a friend and it's a big passion for him, he just loves talking to people....

    Wow, today sounds like a big, and then work til you drop, good thing your adrenelin will be working overtime....It'll keep you on your feet.....then you can have a long shower, and fall into bed....exhausted....Oh to be young again....It'll have been such a wonderful day....

    Can't wait to hear about this day tomorrow....Your going to have so much fun.....

  2. hope your flight to Florida is good and you get someone good sitting beside you! LOL Airports are the best place to "people watch"! :-)

    Partying, ummm ya, Im not surprised some of the girls get fired. haha! I guess they didnt have their priorities in order. dont get me wrong its fun to live it up once in a while but there's got to be balance,especially with an opportunities like these. You have the right focus and drive Shawna, that is what will keep you there and allow you to excel, just as you always have! :-)

    Show 'em what you got! :-)
